- Data Recorder & Display
- Flowmeters
- NRD (Coriolis type)
- Pressure Sensor - Analogic
- Pressure Sensor - Electronic
- Proximity Sensors
- Pressure Gauges
- Thermometers & Thermowells
- Isolation needle valves
- AC/DC converters
- VFD systems
- Electrical Panels
MSI FZC developed a Data Acquisition System, Multi Channels, to gather information coming from the various sensors on the pumping units. This DAQ can accommodate several types of signals, 4-20Ma, 0-5V, frequencies, pulses,… All data are stored in the system.
At the same time of recording the system also displays the data through a 15” touchscreen interface (9”, 11” also available). The display can be customized by the operator as data, chart, curves,…and all data can be downloaded via a USB cable/key in ASCII, Excel format for post-processing and job reports.
MSI FZC offers non radioactive mass flowmeter using Coriolis flow tube systems. These mass flowmeters also provide flow Density and flow temperature. They are used in LAS systems, Hydration units and Cementing Units.
They are available with local display and remote display
MSI FZC keeps stock of magnetic pick up sensors. These are typically used as bolts counters on pump shafts to provide a rotation speed and calculated flow displacement.
MSI FZC keeps stock of Bimetal types thermometers with P+U API 6A temperature range and 1/2″NPT Male connection. Several stem length are available
These are designed to be used with thermowells. MSI FZC keeps the thermowells in stock as well. These are of integral types made in SS304 or SS316 and with ½” NPT MxF connections.

MSI FZC has its own line of ½”NPT SS316 10K and 15K isolation needle valves. These valves are straight types and can also be used in HP sampling ports.
MSI FZC keeps these valves in stock.
On all electric driven systems there is separated circuit for the power circuit and the control circuit. Usually the control circuits use 12V or 24V DC while the power circuits use 230V, 380V,400V, 415V, 440V, 460V,….AC.
As a result, to be able to power the controls circuit from the main power supply an AC/DC converter and transformer is needed.
MSI FZC provides these systems as parts or as stand alone units with enclosures containing the converter and all breakers, power supply connections, output connections,….as per clients’needs.
With the excessive prices of large power converters for powerful DC electric motors of several hundreds of KW the use of AC motors driven by VFD systems (Variable Frequency Drive) is becoming more and more popular.
Rich of its extensive experience in this field MSI FZC offers complete packages of AC engines + VFD drive systems to drive any type of pumps, onshore and offshore.
MSI FZC provides complete solutions for power distribution panels and controls panels for oilfield equipment electric driven for onshore and offshore operations.
The enclosures can be explosion proof aluminium cast or usual weatherproof steel sheet metal and powder coated enclosures.
The panels house all the electrical components of the installations in an organized and secured manner while providing easy access for maintenance and total security against elements, vibrations, dust,…